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Choosing the Right GTAW Welding Machine

Zhejiang Kende Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. 2022.11.18
Zhejiang Kende Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. News
Choosing the right GTAW Welding machine is not always easy, but there are a few factors to consider before making your final decision. 
These factors include cost, size, features, and what type of welding job you plan to do.
Choosing the right electrode material for your GTAW welding machine is important. The right electrode can help save time and money. 
There are several types of electrodes that are available, and they all have different characteristics. Each type has its own 
advantages and disadvantages.
The shape and geometry of the electrode affect the welding process. For instance, larger diameter electrodes are better for higher 
amperage welding. Conversely, smaller electrodes are more effective for lower current welding.
The electrode is a non-consumable tungsten metal that is held in the torch. Its high melting point means that it can tolerate high 
heat. When the electrode is heated, it emits more electrons, which improves the emission of electrons in the weld pool. It also breaks 
down the oxide layer on the surface of the metal. This makes tungsten a good electrode material.
When welding thin sheets, GTAW is the preferred method. The process produces a clean weld with little slag formation. It also allows 
you to control the dilution of the filler metal in the substrate. The dilution is usually around 30%.
Compared to other welding techniques, GTAW is an advanced welding technique that allows greater control over the welding process. It 
is a cleaner process that produces high-quality welds. It is especially useful for applications that demand precision and aesthetics.